|| *ALL* the system variables in this script *must* be defined;
|| the app. can't function without them!
|| The next line controls the initial wimplot allocated to the taskwindow
|| created by the program:
SET SerialTerm$InitialSlot 32K
|| The next line allows you to specify a command that will be executed
|| when the taskwindow starts up; You *must* supply a command; try '||'
|| if this offends you (although Dog knows why...)
SET SerialTerm$StartUpCommand "Echo |<12>Welcome to SerialTerm. The time is |<sys$time>|<10>|<13>This task has |<serialterm$initialslot>Bytes allocated to it.|<10>|<13>"
|| The next line sets the size of the output buffer for the routine that
|| dumps taskwindow output to the serial port; any value>260 is allowed
|| (although the wimpslot may need adjusting for values>8096), any value <260
|| will enforce the default of 2048. The value is in characters BTW.
SET SerialTerm$OutputBufferSize 8096
|| The next line defines how many characters the 'dump' routine will try to
|| shift every 'Null' WimpPoll. Use -1 to take the default of "As many as
|| I can get away with on the sly, like." (ie. until o/p buffer is full)
SET SerialTerm$CharsPerPoll -1
|| The next line controls the data format
|| Bit Value Meaning
|| 0,1 0 8 bit word
|| 1 7 bit word
|| 2 6 bit word
|| 3 5 bit word
|| 2 0 1 stop bit
|| 1 2 stop bits ( 1 if 8bit word+parity; 1.5 if 5bit word no parity)
|| 3 0 Parity disabled
|| 1 Parity enabled
|| 4,5 0 Odd parity
|| 1 even parity
|| 2 Parity always 1 on Tx, ignored on Rx
|| 3 Parity always 0 on Tx, ignored on Rx
|| eg. 4 = 8 bit word, No parity (ie. Beeb default)